Thursday 27 October 2011

Shot Schedule

As Pat and I have both discovered after discussing with other students who have managed to film their videos, a lot of the time shots can get easily muddled up. Another problem is with continuity, rather than moving the camera back and forth between different shots we want to film all similar shots, with the same band member at the same time. So ideally, we will never move the camera from one angle back to the same angle, thus giving us a good oppurtunity to keep shot similarity and continuity.

A difficulty in our vision for our video also is that we have 2 different types of shots in terms of what they feature. Some shots feature the band performing the song with instruments then the others will feature them dancing. This will be a factor in deciding what order we shoot, so that we are not moving instruments, particularly a drum kit, back and forth from in and out of shot.

For this puropse, I have created a shot schedule. At first glance, this will not make much sense to anyone besides me or pat. Basically, all shots are on this page going in order. The highlighted orange numbers are shots which feature the band playing instruments, the non-highlighted are those with the band dancing.
This will be the sheet in which we will work from when filming.

Note: Shots 30 & 31 feature a band member setting off a firework, this may not feature in our draft so I have not included them fully in the shooting schedule.

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